Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bad dream in mcdonalds?

i have a couple dream questions

my first dream is of being in a chair and i can't move and this person is comeing towards me and i anc't see them , then they hurt me( like stick me with something) and i feel the pain but it's not pain it's like numbness and when i wake up my arm is still numb!

second dream is when i was little in the mcdonalds playhouse in the tubes. well it's all dark execpt for a little light and someones chasing me and i cann't see them. this is a reoccurring dream!

please tell me what these dreams mean

Bad dream in mcdonalds?

I don't know what those dreams mean, so I apologize. Although, when you are sleeping and you are in "control" of your dreams, it is called lucid dreaming. Good luck and have fun with all of that craziness!!

Bad dream in mcdonalds?opera mobile opera theater

Dreams are strange but can mean things. Keep that in mind. I'm surely not an expert but I do have a question that may or may not help. What does your intuition say?
One possible interpretation: very young memories are surfacing, including perhaps a memory of being hurt with a spoon. The pain in the oral area might be transposed to the arm; or, a childhood immunization. Similarly, the McDonald's tube may relate to even earlier birth memories. The fact that you have experienced lucidity in dreaming indicates you might have such childhood, even birth experience, recall.

"Babies Remember Birth," David Chamberlain, Ph.D.,

"Life before Life," Jim Tucker, M.D.,

"Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton,

"Dreams," Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D.

"The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi.
i can control them too! 1st dream maybe ur afraid of needles, or you've seen many movies.

2nd one maybe u were kidnnpped or r afraid too, maybe somethin gave u the creepes
It sounds like the first dream is probably caused by you sleeping on your arm. One time I had a dream I couldn't breathe and when I woke up, my alarm clock cord was wrapped around my neck.

A dream of someone chasing you might reflect a fear of a lie you have told or some other untruth catching up with you. And a maze-like setting could indicate that you are caught in a confusing web of circumstances and you don't know the way out.

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