im 16 yeah i know its bad.....but the father which him n i are still dating hes gnna stay with me n all im just scared like what should i say to the counslor.
%26lt;3 Love Always %26lt;3
*$* Blondies Lil Playhouse *$*
How Do I Tell Them?globe theater
I wouldn't stay with a guy that smokes pot. I read your other q's.
How Do I Tell Them?oper opera theater
are you keeping it or what?
just be as honest as ucan, don't be raw about it.
Tell them the truth. Your fears are worse than the actual thing. Your parents will be upset but they love you and will help you as best they can. Good Luck and know that you will be alright and everything will work out!
Be strong and self-assure, but tell him in a way that shows you know you made a major mistake, where do we go from here? good luck
Dont feel bad since its already done and you have your boyfriend's support. Just tell them that you know what you did and that you are ready to take responsability for it, maybe they'll be hard at the beginning but its only because they want the best for you. Dont get upset and make sure you go to the doctor and start taking vitamins, now you have two people to think about and take care of.
Good luck
Well I got pregnant at 17 and I had to tell my parents and everyone else in my family. Considering I was going to be a senior in high school. My mom took it really hard. She was upset with me and didnt talk to me for 2 weeks or more. I was real upset because I had hurt her that way. But abortion was not an option. So I think you should just be real honest with who ever your going to tell and get it out of the way. Stress isnt good for an unborn child and you shouldnt be stressing about that neways. Just tell who ever your telling the truth and stick to your words!! Good Luck
If he's gonna stay with you then thats great. Its ok to be scared , you're a baby having a baby. It will work out hun
Be honest and up front about it all. Not only with your boyfriend, but you family and counselors. Your counselor can refer you to resources that help out young mothers. Stay in school even after the baby is born! I wish that I had....I was 16 when I had my first and stayed home with the baby after wards. And I was 17 when I had my second one. (both by the same father) I married young too..That was a disaster in the making. You can wait to get married have the gift of life growing in you and he or she will be dependent on you. By finishing school will be the first good example you can show your child. Raising a little one on your own is not going to be a bed of roses but you can do it. Especially if you have family who will be supportive of you and what you need to get done. Keep your chin up will all work out...if you need someone to talk to...give me a holler anytime. I am a mother of three now and most are all grown oldest is now 18 and the other two are 16 and 13 years old. So if I can do it....then hon I KNOW you can too. Take a deep breath and go tell the news to those that need to know. You just might be surprised by their reaction....Good luck and congratulations....
Just tell them the truth, because it will come out eventually anyway! They will probably be glad that you and him are staying together. And just keep in mind also that you certainly aren't the first 16 year old to go through this, and won't be the last either! Be happy, a baby is a blessing, even though this isn't the ideal time, you have to be responsible! Be glad you also have your bf's support!! Good Luck!
Makes me wonder why this day and age people don't use birth control. You should be scared for the life of your baby not for what mommy and daddy are going to say.... your not a child any longer now, now you have to give up your dreams because you decided to play adult games. Hopefully you'll pull through but life won't be as easy as it should be for you at this age. Now you've entered the adult world and hopefully you won't quit school and just stay home and suck up welfare like millions of others. Having a baby at your age is going to be tough but for the sake of your baby and your future, you will do what is right and make sure you prevent future babies to be until you are stable with a real job and an education. It's not fair for children to be born into a society where they are looked at as a " mistake" Am I bitter that I read this and see that you are totally blind to the future? Yes I am, for one, you ended your young teenage yrs because of a moment of what you call " love". secondly, you've probably been educated enough to know that birth control is free at any health dept and 3rdly, I bust my *** working and always have for people to soak up welfare while I earn mine. Don't let yourself be another statistic... take up the slack and take charge of what you and "honey boy" have created. It's all on you both now. You should've been scared to say YES lets play adult instead of being scared now. Tsk tsk
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