Saturday, December 5, 2009

What do you think about the Wiggles?

Alright. Does anyone remember the 5 or so men that sang songs to little children on Playhouse Disney? I do.

"Fruit salad, yummy, yummy!"

They hypnotized the kids at my babysitter. Do you think they hypnotized all of the kids? They were creepy!

Tell me your thoughts on the Wiggles.

What do you think about the Wiggles?performing art center

I think those people have SERIOUS issues.

What do you think about the Wiggles?theatre tickets opera theater

I think they were just interesting to watch for little kids...

They drove me insane.. but I would still watch.
Good group. They motivate children to become creative thinkers through song. You don't just have to listen to their music. You take that music and apply it to lessons in life. They teach you proper concepts; such as washing your hands, using correct manners, or counting to 10. Those are fundamental building blocks for children.
I think they hypnotized the kids too. I think its creepy and wrong in a way for little kids to watch middle aged men dance and sing. There's seriously something wrong with that show, I just can't figure out what it is. I really don't think kids should watch that show, It just, does something to them.....
I loved the Wiggles when my son was real into them (when he was 2-4, now he's going on 5 and into other stuff.) They are still on, and not as good as a lot of it is animated now.

I loved their stupid catchy songs that would make me sing all day. And I had fun dancing to their stuff. I even had their CD in my car, and I found myself listening to "Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Red Car" more than once when my son wasn't even in the car! I always thought they were a trip, and I had a strange crush on Gregg, so I loved it!
my children hates them.
I think everytime I hear them, I want to jump off a bridge.
They scare me.

5 Grown men behaving like that?

It's only a matter of time before one is caught in a movie theater with his pants down, and their whole career will be shot.

I'm with Kyra on this one
Oh come on, they were cute!
ok a) all of the wiggles must be gay, i mean come on!!!

2) they arer stupid. please any time they come on turn it.

c) they put kids in a trance when little ones watch, if the kids want songs and dance then put on a musical or a disney or a cd and have them dance with you but turn the tv off!!!

and finally

4) I think the wiggles should be put off the air and never on again for as long as little children are on the earth and then they need to be put into a mental institution.

those are my opinions. like em or dont its the truth
got 1 word GAY!
I think they are the four most annoying men in the history of children's television..... and i want to kick Jeff in he head so he wakes the freak up... %26lt; wake up jeff!!!%26gt; and dump crank in his coffee so he never sleeps again, then cut the brake-line in the Big Red Car so that the four of them, plus Captain Feathersword and Dorothy the Dinosaur can drive off a cliff with their 'cold spaghetti cold spaghetti' .... *varooom* ?toot toot! chugga chugga? Ahhhhhh! *crash!*......... ?oowww wiggy wiggy wiggy owwww wiggy wiggy wiggy.....? *rolls eyes* lol

you know, it's not so bad if you get stuck watching one show, but when it's non-stop wiggles for like 8 hours a day, it's enough to drive you mad! ..... almost as bad or worse than Barney!!! ?
My grandkids love the Wiggles.

That program is one the little ones can sit down in front of and you don't have to worry about their language or any inappropriate acts being performed!

There are precious few of those kind of shows nowadays.

I've seen some pretty raunchy cartoons as of late!!
Personally, I do think they have hypnotized children, but not in a bad way. The little boy I take care of, age 3, loves them. He has to do breathing treatments in the morning, and putting on the Wiggles is the only way to get him to sit down long enough to do it. Singing the simple songs have also helped his speech develop better. He will dance to those videos for over an hour. They arent vulgar, and they dont promote anything really bad.....except the blue one sorta promotes gluttony. The songs are irritating as an adult, but even the other kid I watch, a one and a half year old loves them. In fact, I have a Wiggles birthday party to attend this afternoon.

I'll put it this way, they are a whole lot less creepy than the Doodlebops and even Barney for that matter.
They're an Aussie icon. Did you know that the blue wiggle was once named Australian bachelor of the year! Talk about Hot Potato Hot Potato!!

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