I won't apply for a few years. I want to double major in Acting and Journalism. How hard is it? I have heard that they aren't good with this area... I also swim, so I can get a swimming scholarship. What types of scholarships does NYU offer. I tried http://www.nyu.edu/, but they really don't have enough information. I won't take the SATS for a couple years. Here is some info:
1. Volunteered at a Broadway day care camp for a couple weeks
2. Will work as a bagger and cashier for two years
3. I will work at Hollister(clothing store)
4. I am trying to get a internship at The Atlanta Journal Constitution
5. Will get a internship at CNN Atlanta, even though I don't want to go into broadcast journalism
6. I have a 3.8-3.9 GPA
7. Going to volunteer in FL, at a local playhouse
8. community service at a local hospital
I will also go to a NYU HS study abroad for Acting in Dublin. I get 6 college credits. I also want to do a dual program, is which I skip my senior year of HS. Thanks!
Can I get a full schoarship at NYU?opera songs
i'm sure they have merit scholarships. you won't really know until you start applying to specific places for scholarships and financial aid. there is no one way to pay for college; everyone's situation is different, and every school's financial aid programs are different.
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