I am a 17 year old baritone with opera and musical experience. A local community(mostly children)theatre playhouse is doing R+H's Cinderella and I am going to try out for the Prince. I was wondering what a good song and monologue to try out with would be.
I know the director very well but do not know if he has anything to do with the auditions
I need Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella Audition Advice!!?performing art center
Most of the time it's not a good idea to audtion with a song from the show... I'd recommend singing something like "If I loved you," from Carousel or "Make Believe." from Showboat ... they have similar range and rhythm as the prince's material from the show... as for monologue... perhaps go with something more comedic... check out stuff by neil simon or larry shue
I need Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella Audition Advice!!?theatre tickets opera theater
Do I love you because you're beautiful, or Ten minutes ago either of which would be good to do. I think any song from the show might do, but as these are sung but the Prince they would be best.
Im so pretty!!
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